Today i got up earlier than usual,eleh,pukul6.30 je pun.sbb wan takde kat rumah,tgh enjoy kat lumut =_=, so rasa bersalah tak takecare atok.Solat,masak air,bancuh teh,potong kuih bakar<<wan yg masak b4 pegi jalan..haha online online..watched VD then ada org call ajak lah,siap now tau,i tunggu!-what theee laah..dengan kain baju tak putar lagi dlm mesin tu,meja tak kemas lagi,kelam kabut aku.huh!
Then 2hours later baru la jumpe minah hot tu..siap buah tgn jeruk lagi kasi sayang lebey ni!Then we went jalan jalan,a friend of hers tagged along until afterlunch time.Nothing much we did..just afew catch-ups and hug hug and kiss kiss..haha!
Back home,POOF..wan dah sampai and then came up stories from her..(tadah telinga)..accident la,budak takde lesen,takpakai helmet la,darah darah,takut takut la..beli jeruk jugak,ikan bilis konon fresh la.haha!Wan is soo funny when telling stories,and what happened throughout her visit to ummi's.Dah habis cerita tu baru tanya,eh sape yg bg jeruk ni lagi?AHAHAHAHAh!And anddd,the most,kau balik terus nak practical lah ni?HAHAHA!Oh,i forgot to mention,i've had told her zillion times that i will came home and do my intern straightaway next month.Siap balik 2kali lagi,ulang alik KB-KL angkut barang2 yang dr sem1 smua tuh,wan still xperasan yg aku nak msuk intern dah?ish ish..comel sungguh wan aku ni.No offense wan, I always love you.
That's all lah summary essay 1hari aku okay,tau tau..boring sikit.And i usually leave the details in my writing.Efek dah lama tak tulis blog kot.Sorry.FIN.
P/S-Trying to get rid a bad habit of mine,always too lazy to capitalize my word in the beginning of a sentence,because i thought the readers will always get what i'm trying to say.memang pun,kan kan kan?
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For my E.xoxo |
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